3D Project “Starting Soyuz”
The project “Starting Soyuz” was a project during my spare time in the autumn of 2007 with the goal to visualize the transport of the Soviet/Russian “Soyuz” rocket to the launch pad in 3D.
The project “Starting Soyuz” was a project during my spare time in the autumn of 2007 with the goal to visualize the transport of the Soviet/Russian “Soyuz” rocket to the launch pad in 3D.
Almost every child knows the planets of our solar system. But who knows the persons who discovered these satellite of our sun? The CGI short film “Die Planetenentdecker” investigates this question.
“Our Solar System – A Space Journey” is a multimedia CD that educate students about our planetary system. Great emphasis has been placed on communicating the topic in a relaxed & funny way.
Gymnasiast Axel Monse gewann mit “The Mars Exploration” Preis im MB21-Wettbewerb Dresden. Amerikaner und Sowjets haben sich den Fehdehandschuh zugeworfen, ein Rennen zum Mars beginnt. Wer wird zuerst seine Fahne über einer eigenen Station...