PC game “The Mars Exploration II – New Generation”
My most successful hobby project and contribution to the nationwide multimedia award “MB21” was my real-time strategy game “The Mars Exploration II – New Generation”. I won the 1st prize.
The game is a sequel of the first part “The Mars Exploration – The Challenge” . The start of this game is the Mars station that was built at the end of the first game. The player of the game starts with this Mars station to colonization and redesign (terraform) the red planet. In Multiple levels the player has to achive the construction, expansion and completion of additional settlements. The story and process of terraforming is based on the science fiction novel trilogy “Mars” by Kim Stanley Robinson (Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars).
The project itself was developed with Object Pascal in Delphi and the video and game graphics was made with the applications “Adobe Photoshop” and “Caligari´s TrueSpace” in November 2003.
You can find more informations of the game on the external website “The Mars Exploration”.
- Real-time strategy game for desktop computer
- 1st Place in Category „Applications/Games“ at the MB21 2003 (Nationwide)
Screenshots of video sequences and buildings in “The Mars Exploration II – New Generation:
- Gipfelglück auf dem Olympus Mons
- Gespräch zweier Marsianer vor der Basisstation am Marsnordpol
- Verschneite Siedlung am Marsnordpol
- Büro in der ersten modularen Marsstation fungiert als Hauptmenü von TME
- Bauarbeiten an der modularen bemannten Marsstation
- Bauarbeiten am ersten Marsbahnhof
- Szene eine Flugplatz auf dem vollständig zum grünen Planeten umgewandelten Mars
- Bauarbeiten am zukünftigen Mars-Weltraumlift